The Brave app.

The best browser

Back in August-06-2018 I once wrote an article about control over the ads you see during your browsing.

Well, here’s an update:

You may scrap that whole article now because like-minded folks did something about it and we now have The Brave app for your smooth browsing experience and choice to participate in curated ads that pay you in latest currency methods (BTC to FIAT and vice versa) to participate.

I love that it gives credible results without ads, by default.

I can’t begin to tell how I have enjoyed visiting YouTube as a result of this solutions-based browser. It literally makes it like one owns a premium YouTube account even though that is not the case. When you want to go private mode, it has browser extensions to choose from duckduckgo and chrome-based results.

Remember duckduckgo has the same mandate as The Brave app as it is meant to achieve privacy, detect authenticity of results and less irritation on your browsing. So it was only right to partner for further convenience, and that is why The Brave app is the best browser.

File:Brave icon app.png - Wikimedia Commons

Don’t take my word for it, rather takenoteonline and install it on your device and check it out.

QuickRows in Excel spreadsheet

Just came across this new add-in that is said to totally simplify the way you lay and analyse your data.

No more formulas to execute, as all is simplified with the use of this application.

Quickrows is now the most time saving tool for all users of the Office Excel that deal with a lot of data.

Visit for more information.